I'm still kinda floating after the fun that was had yesterday. There's a lot more people than Mark and I that made everything happen and there's a lot of thanks in order.
Let's start off w/ the video. Finished by the ghost of velo in record time.
Downtown Hoedown from Velo Ghosts on Vimeo.
Track Stand - Rocky
Quick Stop - Fred
Impromptu sprints - Alan
Foot Down - ?
long skids - Aaron
Trick Skids - Me/Todd (Huntsville)
Polo - Pretty much the team w/ the most Huntsville guys
Kicker Jam - Brandon (Huntsville)
Flatland Jam - Dustin (Huntsville)
U Lock Pick up - Dustin (Huntsville)
Gnarliest wipe out - Matt Gregg
Thanks to...
Peter/Faith, I was pretty shocked when Mark told me how you were behind us. The shoes were a great prize and nothing could have been more appropriate.
Nonstop/Terrence/Chadence, The work you two did on the bag was some of the best I have ever seen. I know that you guys spent a lot of hours getting that thing to look as perfect as it did. It's in good well appreciating hands. Terry your filming editing is getting better and better. Thanks for putting the time in to documenting everything.
Primavera/Brett, Thanks for the three nickle bag hook up. Those beans will be pressed into highly regulated traffic MASHing.
Carrie/Elisa/Amanda/Triatha-Blog Great of you guys to throw in a great prize for us. Alan Farton is going to love sticking his nose in the latest issues of Urban Velo.
Vic/Twofivefix/Huntsville Your crew really shined. Taking home the best two prizes we had! We couldn't have played an ounce of polo w/o you bringing out the sets. I'm going to wear the Track-O-Bama shirt to the polls in the morning and we'll see what happens. The lights were a plus. You guys make great judges and even better riders. Come back soon Vic and let me pedal that Makino build around. It was great meeting you guys.
Urban Standard I think that I'm going to let my loyalty speak for itself. Tom & Eric, I'll see you Saturday for breakfast, lunch & dinner if I miss seeing you Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday morning. You guys have done a great thing and are a gleaming example of how to do "downtown" correctly. Keep it up Poland!
Aaron/Lane Woodworking Aaron, you built a heck of a ramp. Sorry I wasn't there to build it with you. I know you had a heck of a week. Congrats on the long skid and thanks for getting my feet wet with this craziness!
Lastly I have to say how horrible I feel about the insane spill Matt took during long skids. He's got a broken arm, 2 monster raspberries and went into the thing with a near 2nd degree burn from a grease fire. Feel better soon Matt! You got some tricks up your sleeve that this town needs to see.
Pictures of the event are here and here. Thanks Alan, Elisa & Jennifer for those.
Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Ride a Single Speed
5 years ago
great job everyone! i had an awesome time and cant wait for the next one!
Seriously, we had a blast. We can't thank you enough for inviting us. All our guys were super stoked to go and bham has some great guys. We felt right at home.
I didnt realize your friend broke his arm; I saw him holding it but had no idea. That was definitely a gnarly crash. I hope he is doing ok and we wish him well. Please tell all the sponsors and contributors thanx. 25F/Hunstville will definitely be back.
Also, the video is awesome! Great job.
You betcha I'll be back down! I had a great time with all of you guys. You have a great crew in bham. Thanks so much for putting this on and inviting us.
The video really is awesome!!
See you guys soon
I hate that I missed this. Can't wait for the next fix fest. So am I to understand that Victor has a Makino?? And here I was thinking I had something unique in Alabama.. Always one step behind Mr. Burlingame, apparently. We need to get a bike check going on this blog! We got some sick whips in the area fo sho.
My bad Matty,
I don't have either of your names saved in my phone but I knew Vic had a HED3.
Gonna post that whip today!
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